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A Father's Love For His Daughter

Writer's picture: Shawn AugustShawn August

Today my daughter asked me how much I love and miss her. I laughed a little because the very fact that she even had to ask was cute. So to my beautiful daughter if you happen to read this let me explain all the ways I love and miss you. You were born on October 21 in Johns Creek Hospital. From the moment your mother and I learned we were having another child I was scared, worried and excited at the same time. It was early in my career and I wasn't sure how I was going to support another baby with daycare and diapers. Your mother would lay on the bed with your brother next to her and I would be on my stomach on the bed to her left side talking to you. I would tell you that I couldn't wait to see you and that I loved you so much. I loved you more than life itself before you even took your first breathe in this world.

God spent 6 days creating everything on earth and rested on his 7th day. When God created you I promise he spent an extra day because the image he created in you, is perfect beyond belief. Your smile, you heart, your laughter and the pure way you love daddy moves the world. Your light brown eyes have a hint of hazel around the edges and your eye lashes create typhoons all over the world every time you blink. You asked me if I miss you and the answer is no I do not miss you. It is impossible for me to describe how much I miss you because you are my heart. My blood flows because you give you me life and for you to doubt how important you are to me makes me a little sad.

Princess you have and will always be the love of my life. You are my blood and no matter where I am or what people do to me, not second of the day goes by that I don't wish you were right here with me. I may not be able to see you now and it sucks but knowing that you are over there smiling, playing softball, baking cakes and laughing truly keeps me going. If I had the choice to have you next to me every night and play board games, play catch and watch Castle I would give anything to make that come true. Unfortunately, that choice was taken from me but that does not change how much I love you.

My days are long I go to work, go home and have to accept everything I lost. Some people say they want me to become a better man, Ironically none of those people are men. You know in your heart that while I made some mistakes being a great father to you was not one of them. You are my everything and if you ever think I am not missing you or that I am happy without you in my life everyday, well you are just being silly. The song below is the song that I sang to you all the time as a baby. I still remember your smile when we went to get Ice Cream and listening to Country Music in my truck the last time I saw you.

I can't change the past and everything that has transpired but I can promise you if I had the choice I would hold you and never let you go. So to my daughter I ask that you do me one favor. I ask that you smile every night at 10Pm because from 10PM to 11PM I am praying for you, reading my bible and remembering all the wonderful times we had. I never thought that our time would end so soon and be taken from us but every moment that I have spent with you is the very reason I have the strength to keep living and fighting the world. No matter what people tell you, in your heart you know your dad AKA Biggs is your biggest fan in life. I also promise you that whatever time I have left on this earth I will spend fighting to be in your life. I am sorry that I can't be their physically at the moment but spiritually and emotionally I am always be right there behind you, cheering you on and I tell the world daily how proud I am of you. Princess I thank you for teaching me and showing what unconditional love is and when everyone in the world turned their back on me, I knew in my heart that I still had my favorite cheerleader in my corner my princess. I don't know what the future holds for me but whether in this life or the next you will always be loved.

So you asked me if I miss you and the answer is missing you doesn't even come close to how I feel. I miss you to the moon and back, from God to the bottom of the ocean, like a fat kid loves cake and I will never stop missing you.

PS: I love you princess for eternity and who you are is exactly how God created you to be and all I can say about that is that he really really created perfection when he made you. I am so lucky to be your father and I am so grateful for you to call me daddy.

My Favorite Song For My Favorite Girl In the World & Daughter

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